Featured Races

Our current roster of featured Team RWB races for 2015 are:
If you know of a race that will have a significant number of Team RWB athletes participating in it, please email mandy.midgett@teamrwb.org.  Also, if you are a race director and would like to have Team RWB involved in your race, please email Mandy!

2015 Schedule- Please go to the link below to see the current 2015 schedule.


There is the possibility that other races may be added. If you are interested in taking the lead in organizing a Team RWB event this not listed, please contact mandy.midgett@teamrwb.org.

Stay tuned to the blog and to email newsletters for more information on these events.  If you are planning to race OR serve as support crew for any of the listed races, please let Mandy, Marjorie or Lori know. mandy.midgett@teamrwb.org, marjorie.strayer@teamrwb.org, lori.hongach@pepsico.com

Look forward to seeing you at the races!