
Team RWB at Ironman Arizona

Are you racing Ironman Arizona and want to join in on some Team RWB activities? We'd LOVE to have you and we have a few get togethers planned for race weekend and some cheer areas, so join us! Click and read more here:
TEAM RWB IMAZ Newsletter


Thanks! More to come! Stay tuned!

Thanks so much to all of you that bid on the aerobars and a big cheer to Bryan, who happens to be an RWB athlete (we didn't expect that!), who won the auction! Thanks for helping us make a difference!

Congratulations to the many military athletes that finished Kona last week! It was inspirational to watch so many of you cross the finish line! Our favorite pro at the race and RWB athlete, Tim O'Donnell, had a rough day of it.  You can only puke so many times on the bike...Nevertheless, his efforts raised over $12,500 for Team RWB! Tim, like so many of our athletes, look beyond the finish line and know that there is MORE out there than just racing and that we owe so much to those that come back from war with wounds, visible and invisible.  So, thanks Tim!! Word is he might be at Ironman Arizona, so we look forward to cheering him and 10-15 RWB athletes to a great day there.  We also had athletes conquer REV3 South Carolina last weekend.  REV3 continues to put on great races and is expanding in 2012 to more race sites--perfect for all of us who love racing in new places! Be sure to check them out!

While the season is winding down--we do have athletes racing Beach 2 Battleship, Ironman Florida, Ironman Arizona, and likely more that we have missed.

We're currently working on our plans for 2012.  A lot of our plans depend upon YOU, our athletes, and where you think we ought to focus on races.  If you're willing to get a group of RWB athletes to race a specific race in your area, or coordinate with Race Directors to make RWB a part of the triathlon, then let us know and we'll help you out!

So, to those of you who have wrapped up the triathlon season--enjoy the off-season, keep some of that base, and set yours eyes forward! To those who still have some big marks on the wall, press on and have some great races! As always, if you have ideas or questions, please email brittany@teamrwb.org or steve@teamrwb.org and we'll do our best to help you out! Bigger and better everyday with a focus like a laser beam on helping out those wounded heroes who given so much! To learn more, be sure to go to www.TeamRWB.org.