
FAQs and Athlete Application

Team RWB athletes and prospective athletes,
  We have A LOT of behind the scenes work in motion right now and we're looking forward to an awesome 2011.  We will be announcing our full slate of races soon, to include which ones we have coordinated specific slots for (vs. you signing up on your own).  Some of the ones you can anticipate are: Ironman Arizona, SuperFrog Half-Iron, Boulder Peek Olympic, and hopefully more!
 There are some enclosures to this blog post that we'll be saving to the side for future reference, but please take some time to read our Mission, our FAQs, and when you're ready to jump on and join the team, fill out the Athlete Application and send it to brittany@teamrwb.com or steve@teamrwb.com.  Looking forward to a great 2011!!
Brittany and Steve

Click Below to Access Word Docs:
Team RWB Tri Mission
Team RWB Tri FAQ
Team RWB Tri Athlete Application


RWB Triathlon Update

I hope this finds everyone well. It's been a little while since we've put anything up here so I thought I'd post an update...

Brittany and I have both been very busy (her with moving to California and me with work) but we've also been working on hard at standing up the RWB Triathlon team. We've sent out application packets to several prospective triathletes and have had some positive feedback by those that are interested. However, we've learned that we've been doing it a bit backwards. Whereas we thought we needed to get as many athletes on board right away, what we're going to be doing from here on out is working on lining up sponsors and putting together a solid packet we can offer our athletes (race slots, uniforms, etc). We've been in touch with a company right now with whom we may partner for uniforms but are looking at a few others. We'll also be in touch with WTC (owner of the Ironman brand) to try and get guaranteed slots at several of their races for next year and growing over the coming years.

I had the opportunity to meet up with and actually go for a ride with pro triathlete Tim O'Donnell last week in Boulder. Tim is an Annapolis grad and very interested in supporting Team RWB. He gave Brittany and I some phenomenal feedback on where he thinks we need to focus our efforts and also will put us in touch with some of his sponsors.

I'm very excited about where we're headed with the Team and the organization as a whole. Look for the main teamrwb.com to roll out here in the near term!

As always, if you have any questions please direct them to myself or Brittany.... steve@teamrwb.com or brittany@teamrwb.com
